Toddlers (Aged 2- 3 years)

When children reach the toddler room they are offered a more structured play and learning environment catering to their individual needs. In the toddler room we offer more advanced equipment, arts and crafts, and take part in a structured daily schedule of group activities. Children will still enjoy rest periods and sleep time, especially for children attending part-time or full-day care. This is a transitional time for your child and you will begin to notice many changes. They will make lots of little friends and enjoy taking part in group activities.

Yours child’s vocabulary will increase, putting together sentences instead of just word’s. Sonas staff encourages language development and good behaviour, and you will also notice that your child will come home from Sonas and will be able to communicate with their family about events that took place through out their day. During this time we will work with parents to toilet train your child when both parent and child decide that the time is right. This is a major mile stone in any child’s life and can also be an emotional time for parents so we will work together in toilet training your child, by following the same routine.